• Dr. Rocío Delgado works with student interns who are pursuing elementary certification in the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) at 圣赌博平台网站大全. She is project director for the Empatico program and serves as tutorial faculty/research mentor to students in the McNair Scholars program. In the Mexico, 美洲, and Spain (MAS) program, Dr. Delgado assists students with finding, 保护, and completing internships at non-profit organizations that work with the Latinx and Spanish-speaking communities in 圣安东尼奥. Mahatma Gandhi’s “Be the change you want to see in the world” and César Chavez’s “Sí se puede” quotes are Dr. Delgado’s inspiration to continue doing what she loves -- serving students, 他们的家庭, 和社区.

    • Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin
    • M.A., New Mexico State University
    • B.I.S., University of Texas at El Paso
    • 德尔珈朵,R. (2019年秋季). La Esperanza de Joaquín. Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social, 19 (1): 152-154.
    • 诺曼,P.Sherwood, S.德尔加多,R., & 银,M. (2019). Taking the mentoring of new teacher educators seriously: Lessons from a clinically-intensive teacher preparation program. 在D. Yendol-Hoppey D. Hoppey & N. 费特曼·达纳编辑.), Preparing the next generation of teacher educators for clinically-intensive teacher preparation, ˆ25-48. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
    • 坎波斯,D., & 德尔珈朵,R. (2017年9月). How principals can help teachers with ELLs. Principal Leadership, 18(1), 22-23.
    • 德尔珈朵,R.韦尔塔,M. E., & 坎波斯,D. (2012年2月). Enhancing relationships with parents of English language learners. Principal Leadership, 12(6), 30-34.
    • 坎波斯,D.德尔加多,R., & 韦尔塔,M. E. (2011). Reaching Out to Latino Families of English Language Learners. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
    • 德尔珈朵,R. (2010年10月). A teacher’s journey in working with English language learners with/without disabilities. Journal of Latinos in 教育, 9(4).
    • Multicultural special education
    • Bilingual education
    • Family school relationships
    • Latinx教育
    • Elementary Reading And Literacy
    • Teaching In The Bilingual Classroom
    • 原则 & Practices Of English As A Second Language
    • Teaching Diverse Learners 
    • 临床实践

    Dr. Delgado was recognized with the university award for Distinguished Advising in 2019 and received the Association of 教育al Publishers’ award for her co-authored book, Reaching out to Latino families of English language learners (ELLs).

    Dr. Delgado serves as tutorial faculty and research supervisor for the McNair Scholars program. She is a member of the Mexico, 美洲, 和西班牙计划, the 语言学 minor advisory committee, and the Cultures and Languages across the Curriculum (CLAC) interdisciplinary program. She served in the Diversity and Inclusion committee at 圣赌博平台网站大全 and participated in the Texas Latino 教育 Advancement Program and Texas Diversity Council's Young Women's Leadership Symposium within the 圣安东尼奥 community. 

    She is a member of the Council on Teacher 教育 and involved with local schools and school districts. Her involvement includes being a presenter at multiple teacher trainings, career/college days, and parent conferences in 圣安东尼奥, 该, 贾德森, Harlandale, and Edgewood Independent School Districts.